Basic operation: the default baud rate is 4800 true. Data is displayed as soon is received. For example, sending the string “Hello” will result in immediate display. For instructions, precede the instruction with null character (value 0): sending 00h 01h will result in clearing the screen. The list of instructions must be found in the LCD datasheet.
Two consecutive null values will trigger the output. If the output function is set as switch then it will be toggled.
To perform a setup connect Set to ground and the power up the unit. The unit will reset to default baud rate (4800, true), it will display the firmware version and expects data at Rx pin. First byte received will set the baud rate:
value |
rate |
Notes |
00h |
4800 |
Default value |
01h |
1200 |
02h |
2400 |
03h |
4800 |
04h |
9600 |
05h |
19200 |
other value |
4800 |
Default value |
Once the byte is received it is saved into eeprom and the baud rate is displayed. If the unit is reset now no other changes will be made.
If a second byte is received it will set output function:
Byte value |
Function |
Notes |
00h |
500 Hz, |
Default value |
01h |
output |
As with the first byte the value is saved and the operation is displayed as "Beep" or "Toggle".
To exit the setup mode, make sure the Set is disconnected from ground and repower de device.
If no communication is received within about 10 seconds from entering the setup, the unit will reset to default baud rate and operating mode, that is 4800 baud, true and the output operation is ~100 ms burst. The LCD will display “Default”.
That is, if default settings are required simply connect Set to ground and wait until "Default" is displayed. Disconnect Set and repower the device.